I've been on a blogging strike lately. The strike is now over, and blogging will now commence.
Ethan has had 4 PT sessions so far. Ethan has worked a lot on pulling to stand, and then transitioning back into a sit. He's gotten really good at standing, but still just plops down to sit. Now, whenever he wakes up in the morning, or from his nap, it's such a delight to walk into his room and see him standing in his crib with a huge proud smile on his face. Ethan is now trying to stand up at anything he can grab onto. In the first couple of sessions, they also worked really hard to teach Ethan that he can bear weight on his arms (like in a crawl position). Because of his low muscle tone, this is something that's very difficult for him. Once they pushed through it, he quickly learned that by doing this, he is able to scooch! He started out doing this on the kitchen floor, and within 2 or 3 days was scooching all over the carpet. It's still a bit difficult for him, but it's rewarding enough that he's willing to push through. The physical therapist has also been working on walking. Ethan has gotten pretty good at holding onto our hands and walking around. He really enjoys it, and it allows him to have much more control over where he goes. Now, when he gets bored, we stand him up and he can walk to where he'd like to play next. He's made so much progress since starting PT. It's been very exciting.
Last weekend, we took a day trip up to Newport to visit the aquarium. We got there mid-afternoon, and Ethan hadn't had a nap yet. I was afraid he was going to be grumpy, and not enjoy it because he was tired, but he had a great time. He loved watching the fish, and walking from tank to tank. He's also become quite a people watcher. He especially loves watching other little kids run around. As we left the aquarium, it was super windy. A storm was on it's way in, and it made for quite an interesting drive home. All in all, our family outing was quite successful.
The last week has been a bit rough. I'm really not sure what's going on with the little man, but it's starting to make me worry a little bit. He's been really moody lately, sleeping very poorly, and just doesn't seem to feel well. He's been really early on all of his teeth so far, so I think it's possible he's getting his 2 year molars in. I know they haven't erupted yet, and it's hard to look back there, so I can't tell for sure. Regardless, I definitely hope whatever is bothering him passes soon. He has his 15 month check up with his pediatrician tomorrow, so hopefully she'll have some thoughts on what's going on.